Monday 21 March 2016

Congratulations to the winners of the Tamworth LRC Library Easter bunny hunt! 1st Place: Guy Thew, 2nd Place: Nikita Barber and 3rd Place: Dylan Gourlay.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

International Women’s Day celebrated at Armidale

Visitors to Armidale campus library next week (March 7th+) will be greeted by a display to mark International Women’s Day 2016. The display will acknowledge the achievements and diversity of our women, and highlight current issues. All items on display will be available for loan. On Wednesday, March 9, claim your pink cupcake for morning tea, available from 10am. All women and men who support women, on Armidale campus are warmly invited.

For more information about International Women's Day, please go to the website:

Win an Easter hamper at the Tamworth LRC Library!

Can you count how many bunnies are hidden in the library?
Maybe you can already see some peeking out through the shelves?
Write down how many bunnies you counted, on the slip at the Tamworth LRC library front desk and enter the draw to win an Easter hamper.

Winners will be drawn 22nd March 2016.